30 April 2008

This Week in Editorial Images of Babies

A joint post by JillEmily.

You know how all articles come with snappy pictures that perfectly illustrate the deep and probing analysis of the author? Well a lot of those come from databases, such as Getty Images. Emily and I enjoy deconstruction; thus, we have done the inverse, deducting article titles from pictures of babies. Enjoy.

Recycling your Baby: What to do When Your Baby Hates the Environment.

Daddy Do's and Daddy Don'ts: The Hairstyling Perils of Stay-At-Home Fatherhood in 21st Century America.

Raising the Post-Modern Child: Socializing Outrage at Cartographic Injustice.

Two important notes:
1. Feature is a work in progress. We anticipate much skill at this in the near future.
2. We're liberal arts students; the idea that a title could take any form other than Pretentious Initial Title: Descriptive Subtitle is completely foreign to us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AHAHAHAHAHA! You guys rock my world.