28 May 2008

Child Prodigies

Personally, I think kids are pretty neat even when they're doing banal things (mostly laughing until they fall over or giving precocious answers to questions about what they would ask the president if they met him). But these kids are especially neat.

Pretty Boy Bam Bam is a 5-year-old boxer. David tells me that his skills will, as the saying goes, pay the bills. Also, the kid raps and is adorable.

Moshe Kai Cavalin is a 10-year-old in college. He wants to study astrophysics. Especially worm holes. "Science" is not a concept I generally attempt to understand, but I have been led to believe that this is quite advanced. I'm glad there was not a ten year old in my physics class.

And Connie:

Possibly not a child prodigy--she's a reasonably good singer for a six year old, but it's no astrophysics--but she's SO cute, and I pretty much cry every time I watch this video.

Let's hear it for the kids.

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