09 July 2008

This Week in Baby Addictions

According to a new study in the journal Pediatrics, babies' smiles make their mothers' brains fill with happy hormones. Specifically, seeing pictures of babies smiling, especially their own babies smiling, released a surge of the hormone dopamine, pretty much the same effect on the body as using drugs or alcohol.

While some of the conclusions drawn from the research reek of New Momism:
"This is the mechanism by which you come to be consumed by your baby," Montague says. "All good mothers are addicted to their newborn babies. They will do things above and beyond the call of duty."

it does offer an interesting evolutionary perspective. I have often wondered why I tend to squeal with glee at the sight of a delighted baby.

Babies are, let's face it, kind of obnoxious sometimes. Getting you addicted to them might be their only chance at survival.

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